(YouTube/infowars and Getty)
InfoWars host Alex Jones has begged Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg to keep him on YouTube.
The conspiracy theorist has repeatedly questioned the details of the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, which left 17 dead.
This has led YouTube to give InfoWars two strikes over the past two weeks for promoting conspiracy theories about the shooting and its survivors.

Last week, the site removed Jones’ video, titled “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview”, and gave InfoWars its first strike.
Yesterday, YouTube contacted the channel to state that its videos “What Is To Blame For The Florida High School Shooting?” and “The Trust About Crisis Actors In The Florida Shooting” had also been removed.
In a message posted by InfoWars, YouTube wrote: “This is the second strike applied to your account within three months. As a result, you’re unable to post new content to YouTube for two weeks.”

David Hogg (Getty)
According to the site’s guidelines, another strike in the next two-and-a-half months will see InfoWars banned from YouTube, where it has 2.2 million subscribers.
Jones, a fringe fantasist who interviewed President Donald Trump shortly after he was elected, claimed that butch lesbians were predisposed to domestic violence and eating brains last month.
And just a few weeks ago, he accused trans rights activists – who he said were mentally ill – of creating cyborgs to destroy civilisation.

Jones has been attacking the outspoken Parkland teens in much the same way, asking whether the students were “coached”.
The day after the shooting, he hosted an InfoWars video called: “Evidence Unraveling A Giant False Flag At Florida High School Shooting”.
This is despite Jones bemoaning the way that media outlets were asking questions about gun control soon after the attack.
After seeing Jones’ attacks on him and his classmates, Hogg – one of the most vocal student activists from Parkland – wrote on Twitter to ask for a clarifying interview.

“Hey Alex Jones you seem to be really confused as to what I do/who I am I’d love to come on and clear some of this up because clearly as a s*** journalist you can’t clearly,” he said.
However, a few minutes later, Hogg retracted the offer, writing: “Wait didn’t you get sued for pedaling lies about the survivors and victims of another school shooting?
“Clearly someone didn’t learn from their mistakes”.

In 2015, Jones said the 2012 attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut that killed 20 kids and six adults was “synthetic, completely fake with actors – in my view, manufactured.”
Hogg wrote: “I will not speak to anyone that has had disgusting remarks to victims of mass shootings in the past.
“I sent that tweet without realising just how awful so many people have been to victims and witnesses of these events in the past.”

Jones denied that he had been sued, but asked Hogg to come on the show despite the student having already withdrawn the proposal.
“Hi David, it would be fantastic for you to come on,” wrote Jones. “I would be very thankful for that. I want to set the record straight and clear things up between you and I.

“I would love to have you on today to clear up some of the disinformation that has been put out about my statements concerning the tragedy.
“I notice you’re calling me a ‘s*** journalist’ and ‘snake oil’ salesman when I have never called you any disparaging names,” he continued.
“Also I have never been sued by survivors of any school shooting. Please stop the defamation.”
Jones started to get desperate.
“My YouTube channel with 2+ billion views has now been frozen after CNN lobbied for it to be closed in your name.
“Again Mr Hogg, in your name CNN has shut down my speech on YouTube. It is critical that you come out and support the 1st Amendment and not let them use you to end free speech.”
Then he got panicked.
“David, you are welcome to come on the show. Are you aware that CNN is using you as part of a lobbying campaign to shut down Infowars?

“You are now a public figure & activist. You are not immune to criticism. We know your views on the 2nd amendment. Do you support the 1st?”
The InfoWars host continued to link to conspiracy theories about the Parkland shooting while begging Hogg to come on his show and help him stay on YouTube.

When no reply was forthcoming, Jones went back to belittling Hogg while casting himself as the victim of the “vicious” 17-year-old.
“David Hogg challenged me to a debate by bullying and viciously attacking me,” wrote the conspiracy theorist.
“After I politely accepted, he backed out when his real goal of baiting me failed. Only #HoggWash fears investigation”.