A new survey has revealed half of Anglicans see nothing wrong with same-sex relationships, as the General Synod prepares to debate the issue.
The Church of England is to debate the issue of same-sex marriage on Wednesday, but the findings from NatCen’s British Social Attitudes survey showed that 50 percent of those who identify as Anglican believe same-sex relationships are “not wrong at all”.
Acceptance is still highest among those who don’t identify with any religion (73 percent) but a comparison of previous surveys demonstrated Anglican opinion soften over time.
Just under 20 percent still think same-sex relationships are “always wrong”, a drop of 34 percent when compared to findings from 1983.
On the issue of equal marriage, a 2014 version of the survey showed that 47 percent of Anglicans supported the right of same-sex couples to marry.
That compared with 60 percent of the public as a whole.
26 percent of Anglicans believe that equal marriage is wrong.
The Church of England has been accused of being out of touch with society on the issue of equal marriage.
A recent report by serving bishops upheld the stance of marriage being between one man and one woman.